Wednesday, September 26

Just a few thoughts before they are wiped off like sand

What is my relationship to all things? For example, what is my relationship to myself, to others, my health, my growth, and so forth?

Why is it that I tend to consider my relationships only when they are relevant (and therefore egocentric)? Why can't I consider another person's relationship to an object?

Why is it that life seems to flow easily for some, yet be difficult for others? Why are there trying times and coasting times? Is it a pairing of happiness creating things (a mental high from, for example, a delicious steak, alcohol, sex, and high self-worth) vs pain causing things? Is that what makes times feel easy or "happy"?

Why is there a "flow", and why is everything so much easier when you "go" with it, even when it's not the best way (maybe it is in the short term, but not long term)? For example, eating at fast food, or using coal-based electricity?

Why can't we all just communicate, and quit using secondary (3rd party) sources for information? Do as I do, not as I say...

Why am I incompatible with others (or is it just an illusion to myself)?