Thursday, December 18


Well, it's finally time for an update (though i've had sparse amounts of time, and i've been wanting to not update). here's the short of what happened this past week:
I did well on my finals early last week, getting around those trixy little professors. As finals wrapped up, I got pulled over twice in the same night for having a tail light out This was because the police depts. were beefing up patrols as finals parties (such as "fuck friday finals") were wrapping down, and i just kept getting caught. But it was a good night, being able to see the midnight showing of "cowboy bebop: the movie". I love the style of the art in bebop movies (such as the gun being really large and in front of the wielder's head), and i think i'll be visiting the Arcata minor theater more often. But anyway, the next day was awesome. As I tried to get my light bulb fixed, Paul, Ben, and Erin came to the rescue! We figured out that there were secret hairpins holding the lights in (unlike what the mechanic's manual says -- i swear that manuals for cars are useless) and we also experienced the joy of breaking both the tail/brake and reverse lights AND getting quoted the wrong type of light bulb from the parts store. (we got ripped off for the light bulbs, too. I spent 2.50 on a pair of light bulbs at kragen. (as compared to 2.50 a light bulb at arcata auto sports)) but we got it all fixed, and all was good.
Later that night(which, might i add, consisted of One Hell of a Storm!) me, Paul and Erin went to a Eureka party to see my brother play. I had forgotten why I hate Eureka parties. We had a guy come up to us, yelling, "When the next song starts, Hit as many people as you can in the face!" when the next song started, he began to hit people in the face. After a couple of smackings, the enraged mob of people picked him up and threw him outside (into the bitch-ass storm!) and that was the end of that. My bro's gear is LOUD, and my left ear went out on me (of course i was, like, the only person covering his ears, though the band had earplugs). Me, paul and erin left before the gig ended (most parties suck) and formed the We-Haven't-been-together-for-a-year-so-let's-play-late-for-old-times-sake party. we stayed up till 5 in the morning playing random video games, and it was good (i think the peak of the party was when the news broke out that saddam had been captured). However, we all got sick in the end from it, due to us being in that wicked storm too much and staying up later than usual (all of us stayed up past the 24 hour mark). Paul and Erin got sick rapidly, while my symptoms have been worsening (culminating to a peak of crappiness about 5 hours ago).
On Monday, Erin visited me (while sick) and we went to St. Vincent's to look at a desk/exec chair/jackets (i had seen them earlier in the day) all of them were gone by the end of the day, sadly. But we did get to poke lots of fun at the stuff around (and had some cool anime fashion ideas, such as an 18th century overcoat with the arms sawed off, like a tank top). Later, I spent time studying and watching 3 movies. It was very yummy.
Tuesday was bittersweet. Tuesday was Return of the king night (midnight showing). However, I spent the first part of the day making plans for the next week. Later, I was supposed to go help my brother get his gear together, but he rescinded his request, and i found myself with freetime, which i put to good use christmas shopping with megan. Originally, I was planning on taking Jamie to Return of the King, but because of my brother i was unable to do so, though i was willing to deny my brother my help, since he asked for it so late and i had already made plans. However, it is my suspicion that Jamie felt snubbed out with the previous debacles, and just decided, "fuck it, i'm not going to spend any of my RotK experience with Darrel". Now i need to backtrack to the debacles! (isn't this flowing? remember, i'm sick). Previously, I had made plans to go see RotK with Jamie. But i screwed up and was unable to get a ticket to the big main theater, sufficing only the smaller one. However, I got two tickets and asked her if she would be interested in going for the smaller one. But she declined! Why on Earth? Seriously, you can't notice any better quality after a certain point (i can attest to this with my really nice speakers) but i digress. Anyway, I decided to invite megan to the movie since i had a free ticket. This didn't go over very well with Jamie, since she's jealous of her. But I was trying to get rid of this free ticket, since I knew of no one else who'd wanted it. (end of the previous debacles). So, now everything appears to be in turmoil with jamie and me , since it seems like she links one event to everything else. Oh well, things will get better eventually. All things relationship return back to the status quo if you give enough time.
Anyway, when me and Megan got to the movie, I found many of my friends in my particular theater. this really cool geek guy from GNU games popped up when we were all seated and declared that we should all get 30 seconds of fame since we had enough time to do so. It was really cool. On top of chatting to quite a few friends and people i haven't seen in a while (but enjoy the company of) I bumped into -again- this guy from Jamie's upward bound. Distinctive features: piercings. I keep thinking his name is Justin but i'm sure that's not right. I'll just have to ask Jamie his name. I have a feeling i'll bump into him yet again... (cuz i keep doing so. Something's going to happen. I know it) All in all, the movie was awesome, Me, meg, justin(?), Greg, Greg's wife, Don, Eran...(list goes on) had a good time. Surely a movie that met the hype.
This morning was terrible. I had to wake up after 2 hours of sleep (RotK made me stay up till 5. I feel like i'm in the military, with the amount of sleep i keep getting) to go to breakfast club to surrender el presidente. Some would say that there was a massive riot going on due to the vacuum of power at the breakfast club, but i was dependable enough to bring the riot police along with our beloved leader to our meeting before it was over. However, I was so sickly this morning that I kept fantasizing about hall's menthol cough drops for breakfast (and those always make my stomach queezy, especially if i haven't eaten). So i went to the store, bought some, and went home to sleep, missing my surfing and almost everything else. I've been so sick that Evan's girlfriend described me as "putting depression to shame". Though i was just in a vegetative state of nonthinking, just making it through. I did get introduced to Hey Juan's! (a cheap but not in cheap in quality mexican short order place), got my video card mailed out, and got to see "spirited away". Watching spirited away was probably one of the most painful things i've done in a while, because i was so sick i wanted to sleep, but was determined to finish it so i could return my videos on time. Now i'm done seeing it, and good riddance! (it was a good movie, though i thought the hype sorrounding miyazaki in the behind the scenes part was too much). Then, I went to sleep.
When i woke up, i learned from Evan, online, that Greg, my cart pushing companion, had just quit winco all of a sudden and was flying to the land down under today! (i had gotten a page by the company to work yesterday, but i was too sick to bother returning the call). Later, i got an email from him announcing his departure. Personally, I think he should not have worked in carts from the start, because he has a family to raise, as well as marketable skills, and i'm happy/sad to see him leave. That guy is probably the hardest worker I have known and I wish him best of luck. And, of course, i'll be keeping in touch with him.

Everything2 is back up. Go blow your mind again, for ol' times sake.

I keep having this feeling as though I need to go to Utah soon. It feels like it is my destiny to return, though i'm sure i'll experience oppression, as i've been influenced heavily by the lax people of california. But I when i think of moving there, i get good feelings that reassure me. I need to do this soon before i lose all funding from my father and become poor again, although i'm probably going to be poor when i'm going to school. Either way it sucks.
I'm so sick of being poor. I just got out of it! Now my father keeps threatening to swing me back in. He places scary ass demands on me and, when i finally meet them, he feels as though he's justified in making me more "independent", and retracts more money to support me. I wish he understood the sacrifices i make to accomodate him. God I hate people lately. They're so difficult (not just him, but most people it seems).
BLAH BLAH BLAH. I'm tired and sick. I'll post more of my thoughts some other day. At least we're current!

I want to return to my geekhood, now that i found my manhood.

Thursday, December 11


Dear readers of my site,

I have updates to post. However, I have not had much time to do this.
I will update when I get the time.

Thank you for your patience,


Sunday, December 7

|VVV | | | ) } ] >[8]-:::::O::o:::@:::o::O:::::-[8]< [ { ( | | | VVV|

My baby don't mess around
because she loves me so
and I know that fo' sho'.

During long cart hours, we cart pushers (a very odd sort with lots of character) will try to get songs stuck in eachothers' heads, so we may laugh at one another's misfortune while at the same time succumbing to ONE G0|) |)4^^|\| (censored for the children) measure in a song imparted by some other member of the group. It can be frustratingly torturous. But what's worse is when, after forgetting the song stuck in your head days ago, a customer decides to indulge himself in the song (in his car) you thought you had forgotten, and there it goes all over again! Tortorous.

for example, in very sensitive to the milk shake song:
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
and They're like, it's better than yours
Damn right
It's better than yours
I can teach you
but i'd have to charge

Maybe it's the beat. It has this grungy industrial sound that just... gets to me. If anything I find the vocals contrasting greatly to the tune, making it irritating but harmonious at the same time (so it sticks to your head. That's marketing)

Evan gets the first song (the first paragraph in italics) stuck in his head. I must admit that i shared his misery when I heard the song. Originally, he was the sole knower of the song, but, when i finally heard the song, I tried to get it stuck in his head, and it backfired on me. We both ended up being messed up on the song for the entire day. Other popular choices are "La Bamba" and "I Want It Now" by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (you should've heard the chuckling at the midnight showing of CatCF when grandfather said, "Wow, Charlie, We're really high!" Arcatan stoners, hehe)

God I hate rap. That's why we use it on eachother. That's why we go to rap shows. That's why we turn down the video game music to turn it up.

Seriously. We use it to add an element of comedy (and torture). Because... it just sucks. Example: half the lyrics Eminem spits out are about how great he is. example: Other singers just talk about getting a dance (or party, if you prefer) going. I can't listen to the melody because there is none. I know that there's only so many topics a person can say in a song, and that practically all topics have been taken (in addition, Practically all the singers have insufficient experience with their rap topic to be even taking a position in the song. It's the blind leading the blind). But, when i'm listening to rap, I have to pay attention to the voice. I'm not even having fun. In fact, my fun rating for my character: D A R R E L goes down by -72 when rap is present. Rap just isn't fun, (is that enough statements about rap not being fun (4!) yet? IT'S NOT FUN!) and it's really not music. It's poetry going to a beat. Rap is for young, dumb people. I was that way once, when i was in second grade (and i got a flat top!) I was with a black group of kids, older than me, and they took me in. Good people, and we listened to all kinds of heavy bass shit, and we broke the law many times (sort of) and played nintendo...

G0|) |)4^^|\| F*C|<1|\|g TANGENTS! (I think I should have a blog dedicated to reflections of my past)

In contrast, when I hear techno (and most other songs), at least I can phase out the meaning the voice is conveying, turning the voice into just another instrument. though I must admit I get uncomfortable sharing my techno music with others, I feel like I'm in a secure, safe room when I listen to it alone. Techno gives my mind the freedom to wander. A way to get away from everything. That's entertainment. (fun +200)

But not all non-rap music is good: music like Linkin' Park (although this band has quite a bit of rap dulling to its RARE good melodies on their FIRST disc), slipknot and Blink 182 is so monotonous (shallow) it might as well be rap. I have to focus on what they're telling me because I have no varying frequency to make my mind wander. And I do not trust what these bands are trying to tell me.
Entertainment is about freeing your mind and/or enjoying yourself. How can I do that when I don't completely agree with a topic a band presents to me (and they don't address my disagreement in the song) and when i'm forced to listen to their message just to get through the song? We humans don't like to be told things we don't agree with, because we are very sensitive to orders (ever notice having a dispute with someone because they merely said a few words, like "go do your dishes!" You didn't like what they said, because you're highly prone to suggestion).

I hate rap. Now, let's go listen to some~!


There's been many illnesses going around at work, and - lucky me - I've been feeling my healthiest this entire year. This is not to say that I won't catch something, but I've had 3 illnesses this year (I rarely get sick) and so i'm confident i'm Immunized from Everything! Time will tell, though. I just see 3 illnesses rippling through the departments like MAD (one I had for about 5 minutes, but i felt better. It was weird. My coworker has been struggling with it, however).

Lately, with Planet Health, the main directors have been not attending because they both have had sudden and extreme changes in their plans occur. In retaliation, me and Evan have decided to go for a run at 6:30 in the morn'. This whole Extreme Exercise thing has been great for both me and Evan (we both have the same reasons). To paraphrase, it's like getting more cream out of a cup of milk. We're both active for 19 hours a day, needing very little sleep, and we both feel very active and healthy.

I'm proud of Evan. To people who know me, it's very hard for me to be proud of someone. Evan deserves every bit of commendation, and probably more. He's the fat kid who lost 60 pounds busting his ass and only now he's TRULY decided to not be the fat kid anymore. That takes an extreme amount of effort, to such an extent that I can safely tell any and all that he is an inspiration, a hero of sorts. He will be having drastic changes in his life soon (for the better) and i'm going to be very happy to see him at a point in his life that's better than any other point he has ever known (I've never seen him with so much self confidence prior to my hiring back at WinCo, by the way).

I... know... you.
I know you've seen her.
She's a sad tomato.
She's... three miles up that road
Walking down the street
Will I never... MEET HER?

Well, it looks like the time spent with Meghanraye is paying off. Other coworkers are noticing how we hang out so much and are commenting. Example:
(After meeting up with Meghanraye, Darrel gladly accepts her go-back cart while she goes back to checking. In the distance, Bo and Holly watch. As Darrel goes about putting back the food in his goback cart, Bo and Holly decide to stock cheese. As time goes on Darrel intercepts Holly and Bo at the cheese area)
Holly: Hey, it looks like all Meghanraye has to do to get you to do anything is bring out her whip!
Bo: I don't even think she has to bring out her whip to get Darrel to do anything for her!

I was tired, but boy did my face turn red. Pretty funny. Speaking of red faces...

(The following day, Meghanraye and Darrel eat their lunch together in the breakroom. As time passes, Bo and Dave enter for their lunch)
Meghanraye: Hey Bo, me and Darrel were just talking about how you look soooo cute when your face turns red (it's true! He looks like a cute cute baby!)
(later, Meghanraye leaves to go back to work)

Dave: Hey, whose girlfriend did you steal from?
Bo: Looks like Jake
Dave: don't be too dandy now.
(no one knows exactly what he meant when he said dandy. But Dave knows his shit, so we all assumed what we thought it meant was the correct meaning)

I should also mention that Meg and Jake broke up last year, so i'm not really stealing her. Poor Jake though! He's stupid in his own way (-sigh-. He wants to be a plumber. Stuck at his age group. At least he's not *too* immature)

Meghanraye just wants to be friends with everyone, but we're going to start a WinCo scandal whereby we pretend to be in a relationship. She can't just be friends with me because there's too much external pressure forcing her to be with me. This might just bloom (especially considering that I spend lots of time with her walking on the beach and stuff), with a full fledged relationship coming in...

I think it might be appropriate to mention right now that the person that I talked to out of the blue about astronomy (and didn't know what to say) is a really crappy pick of a person. She's openminded, in a partygoing/I hate science (what's with me and finding these people? So closed minded. Meg doesn't care that much about science, but she accepts it and will do it when it proves useful. That's what I was looking for)/I'm shallow! kind of way. She shaves her eyebrows (ew), gets tattoos and pierces lots of her body parts. She aspires to be a social worker.
She's the kind of woman my mother warned me about.

At the very least, I've noticed that a few more really hot WinCo employees and others at school (I don't even know these people! But that'll soon change) have been flirting (!) with me lately. However, I'm choosing Meg for now. More women later? Who knows.

Women aren't the only aspect of me that's getting turbocharged, almost every aspect of me is in for an overhaul (as most of you already know). I'm on the upstroke of life at this particular moment, and, with no end in sight, I'm hoping I don't top out as sudden and soon as i did last time.

Good night.

I Love You
Always Forever
Near and Far
Always Together
I Will be With You
I do For You

Thursday, December 4

(-:<^>~(^)~{^}~[^]~ \^\/^/ ~[^]~{^}~(^)~<^>:-)

I'm the king of rock. There ain't none higher.
suckah MC's should call me sire.

-Derby Crash A.K.A. Grand Master Crash A.K.A. (the author of this post)

Ah, planet health. It's where I spend most of my mornings now (followed by breakfast, sometimes at the breakfast club).
Held at the Redwood Peace and Justice Center, me and some hippies get together at 6:00 AM and bust ass for an hour and a half (we use a timer to time our exercises). Then we meditate for a half hour. I swear, few meditation exercises are more difficult than ours (though i'm sure you can artificially create a more difficult meditation). We meditate just after we force ourselves awake, force our bodies to go to past the limit and we're all sore (for example, I worked out so hard today that my body was trying to throw up. But I hadn't eaten this morning so I had nothing to excrete. Don't worry, my body just builds up lots of bile when it's working hard. I have big breakfasts afterwards, sometimes at the coveted (!) breakfast club) . Anyway, focusing is very difficult, but it can be accomplished. In one ear, recognize what came through, let it out the other. For a mere 30 minutes of your day. Yum Yum.

In Garberville, the most awesome coffee can be had. Just look for the sign with a hand pointing to a dirt road off the main street-esque road, with the word "espresso" underneath. They make awesome pina colada coffee shit.

Definition: The breakfast club is where a whole bunch of people gather on Wednesdays and eat breakfast together. Now that I have money rolling in again, I can eat breakfast with them instead of just watching them eat!

ATTENTION PEOPLE! DO NOT JOIN THE EUREKA LUMBERJACK CHEERLEADING SQUAD, LEST YOU FACE THE PERIL OF HAVING SOME WILD ORGY! AND BEWARE OF CLE', WHO IS IN THE CHEERLEADING SQUAD! Poor guy, all the rumors about him are ALWAYS true, i swear. Being in an orgy would scare me enough as it would be, but... having Cle' there, too? That's fucking scary. Maybe one day I'll talk about Cle' (when I put up the links of people I know and their relation to me. I plan on having a clickable Darrel-synopsis of the people) but for now, be warned. CLE' IS A SCARY, SCARY BE YATCH.

Well, Finals are coming up and I have massive amounts of homework to do, though I wasn't planning on doing it (I hate it when friends flake on me. No beach bumming this round. Just some beach-esque scolding?) Maybe I'll write another chapter in the Choose Your Own Adventure book online, making the large FOOT clan monster come back to life, when suddenly a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle saves the protagonist from it.

Clubs are Cool, yo

Yestaday's word was: mormon. No doubt! No doubt!

Wednesday, December 3


The title, what could it mean? I just made it up off the top of my head. Pretty ASCII art? Crap junk? (Junk is cool!) What does it inspire within YOU??

Finals week is heating up, and I find myself cranking up production -- at least in the thought department. This month is MY month, the month where I get things rolling, At least historically anyway. So many things to learn, and I want twelve of everything and a side order of good ol' fashioned happy farms meat. Seriously, though, I have been getting my future plans ramped up, focusing on my objectives, and keeping to my deadlines. (of course there's free time fun time in there as well! Don't think it's all work (though I am busting ass)).
I finally figured out that I should move back to Utah to get my higher education underway. I have lots of family in Utah, so housing won't be much of an issue, but I will need to find a job there. So, in the meantime, I am going to try to take on two (!) jobs and very little school (to get my GPA all spiffy for the move) to acquire the capital to move over there. (of course, I'll have to wait a year so I can be classified as a Utah resident :'( . But we'll see if we can bullshit the state like I bullshitted California into believing i am a resident)

You THeRe! YeS! You! WouLD You LiKe To See MuSiCiaNS FRoM FRaNK ZaPPa! Joe SaTRiaNi! aND MoRe (like, Desert Prince(!) n' shit) JaM ToGeTHeR WiTH LeGeNDaRy LoCaL aND CR GuiTaR TeaCHeR RuBeN DiaZ! ? CoMe To CR oN DeC. 12! RuBeN DiaZ! NeeDS YouR MoNeY! i HuRT YouR eyeS! HaHaHaHa!!! (!) PLeaSe DoNaTe To My FoRMeR MuSiC TeaCHeR! He HaD To RePLaCe HiS HeaTer! (4000$) Ow#@&^#&^!!! (!)

But because I'm going to move soon, I'm collaborating with people of many talents in an effort to cram as much information into my head as possible. I'm working on forging the blacksmith way, and soon i'll have knives to cut my fingers with! Oh, and to cut anyway. I'll also be learning pottery, as will I learn to mdeitate and exercise at 6:30 in the morning. What can of mdeitation will I learn? we shall see when i work with mullet man PM. hopefully I don't confuse mdeitate with sleep, eh?
I also intend to learn some untaught course lesson work. Will I turn into a human dictionary? One of kanji? (I hereby rename Kanji as Konjo!) I will speak to mormon japanese people like any pure vial would. They will take me to their restaurants, into the back, and teach me the way of sushi making, and then I will make American sushi & sashimi! I will charge people what japanese people charge for it in japan (should be the same price as the price for it in America -- expensive) and then i will rotisserie it and chop it and mormon it and....
When I was 11 I babtized for the dead. We went into the temple and picked out names of dead people we wanted to represent (though we didn't have a choice in the matter, anyway), we got our pre-1901-style bathing suits on and walked into a large carved marble room of pure beauty, with a large grail the size of a bathtub in the center surrounded by 12 ox and...

Soon, just to WASTE MY TIME! I will be making a PICTURE OF ME AND ALL THE PEOPLE I KNOW AND MY RELATIONS TO THEM. Just like Software wars.
it good.
Soon, when after I apologize to Ryan Hill (which is even sooner) I will form a fellowship. A fellowship of the thing!

Okay. My mind has gone completely abstract (so abstract that maybe I should lock myself up in a log cabin in the woods and write poems for 3 weeks. They'll be so deep and so philosophically technical that not even I will understand them when i finally leave the log cabin of my mind. )

I just miss my old linux distro! And XMMS! and Wine! and Dune! I need to get my head into more o' that sci-fi.

Ugh... the coffee... bYE!