Sunday, December 7

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My baby don't mess around
because she loves me so
and I know that fo' sho'.

During long cart hours, we cart pushers (a very odd sort with lots of character) will try to get songs stuck in eachothers' heads, so we may laugh at one another's misfortune while at the same time succumbing to ONE G0|) |)4^^|\| (censored for the children) measure in a song imparted by some other member of the group. It can be frustratingly torturous. But what's worse is when, after forgetting the song stuck in your head days ago, a customer decides to indulge himself in the song (in his car) you thought you had forgotten, and there it goes all over again! Tortorous.

for example, in very sensitive to the milk shake song:
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
and They're like, it's better than yours
Damn right
It's better than yours
I can teach you
but i'd have to charge

Maybe it's the beat. It has this grungy industrial sound that just... gets to me. If anything I find the vocals contrasting greatly to the tune, making it irritating but harmonious at the same time (so it sticks to your head. That's marketing)

Evan gets the first song (the first paragraph in italics) stuck in his head. I must admit that i shared his misery when I heard the song. Originally, he was the sole knower of the song, but, when i finally heard the song, I tried to get it stuck in his head, and it backfired on me. We both ended up being messed up on the song for the entire day. Other popular choices are "La Bamba" and "I Want It Now" by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (you should've heard the chuckling at the midnight showing of CatCF when grandfather said, "Wow, Charlie, We're really high!" Arcatan stoners, hehe)

God I hate rap. That's why we use it on eachother. That's why we go to rap shows. That's why we turn down the video game music to turn it up.

Seriously. We use it to add an element of comedy (and torture). Because... it just sucks. Example: half the lyrics Eminem spits out are about how great he is. example: Other singers just talk about getting a dance (or party, if you prefer) going. I can't listen to the melody because there is none. I know that there's only so many topics a person can say in a song, and that practically all topics have been taken (in addition, Practically all the singers have insufficient experience with their rap topic to be even taking a position in the song. It's the blind leading the blind). But, when i'm listening to rap, I have to pay attention to the voice. I'm not even having fun. In fact, my fun rating for my character: D A R R E L goes down by -72 when rap is present. Rap just isn't fun, (is that enough statements about rap not being fun (4!) yet? IT'S NOT FUN!) and it's really not music. It's poetry going to a beat. Rap is for young, dumb people. I was that way once, when i was in second grade (and i got a flat top!) I was with a black group of kids, older than me, and they took me in. Good people, and we listened to all kinds of heavy bass shit, and we broke the law many times (sort of) and played nintendo...

G0|) |)4^^|\| F*C|<1|\|g TANGENTS! (I think I should have a blog dedicated to reflections of my past)

In contrast, when I hear techno (and most other songs), at least I can phase out the meaning the voice is conveying, turning the voice into just another instrument. though I must admit I get uncomfortable sharing my techno music with others, I feel like I'm in a secure, safe room when I listen to it alone. Techno gives my mind the freedom to wander. A way to get away from everything. That's entertainment. (fun +200)

But not all non-rap music is good: music like Linkin' Park (although this band has quite a bit of rap dulling to its RARE good melodies on their FIRST disc), slipknot and Blink 182 is so monotonous (shallow) it might as well be rap. I have to focus on what they're telling me because I have no varying frequency to make my mind wander. And I do not trust what these bands are trying to tell me.
Entertainment is about freeing your mind and/or enjoying yourself. How can I do that when I don't completely agree with a topic a band presents to me (and they don't address my disagreement in the song) and when i'm forced to listen to their message just to get through the song? We humans don't like to be told things we don't agree with, because we are very sensitive to orders (ever notice having a dispute with someone because they merely said a few words, like "go do your dishes!" You didn't like what they said, because you're highly prone to suggestion).

I hate rap. Now, let's go listen to some~!


There's been many illnesses going around at work, and - lucky me - I've been feeling my healthiest this entire year. This is not to say that I won't catch something, but I've had 3 illnesses this year (I rarely get sick) and so i'm confident i'm Immunized from Everything! Time will tell, though. I just see 3 illnesses rippling through the departments like MAD (one I had for about 5 minutes, but i felt better. It was weird. My coworker has been struggling with it, however).

Lately, with Planet Health, the main directors have been not attending because they both have had sudden and extreme changes in their plans occur. In retaliation, me and Evan have decided to go for a run at 6:30 in the morn'. This whole Extreme Exercise thing has been great for both me and Evan (we both have the same reasons). To paraphrase, it's like getting more cream out of a cup of milk. We're both active for 19 hours a day, needing very little sleep, and we both feel very active and healthy.

I'm proud of Evan. To people who know me, it's very hard for me to be proud of someone. Evan deserves every bit of commendation, and probably more. He's the fat kid who lost 60 pounds busting his ass and only now he's TRULY decided to not be the fat kid anymore. That takes an extreme amount of effort, to such an extent that I can safely tell any and all that he is an inspiration, a hero of sorts. He will be having drastic changes in his life soon (for the better) and i'm going to be very happy to see him at a point in his life that's better than any other point he has ever known (I've never seen him with so much self confidence prior to my hiring back at WinCo, by the way).

I... know... you.
I know you've seen her.
She's a sad tomato.
She's... three miles up that road
Walking down the street
Will I never... MEET HER?

Well, it looks like the time spent with Meghanraye is paying off. Other coworkers are noticing how we hang out so much and are commenting. Example:
(After meeting up with Meghanraye, Darrel gladly accepts her go-back cart while she goes back to checking. In the distance, Bo and Holly watch. As Darrel goes about putting back the food in his goback cart, Bo and Holly decide to stock cheese. As time goes on Darrel intercepts Holly and Bo at the cheese area)
Holly: Hey, it looks like all Meghanraye has to do to get you to do anything is bring out her whip!
Bo: I don't even think she has to bring out her whip to get Darrel to do anything for her!

I was tired, but boy did my face turn red. Pretty funny. Speaking of red faces...

(The following day, Meghanraye and Darrel eat their lunch together in the breakroom. As time passes, Bo and Dave enter for their lunch)
Meghanraye: Hey Bo, me and Darrel were just talking about how you look soooo cute when your face turns red (it's true! He looks like a cute cute baby!)
(later, Meghanraye leaves to go back to work)

Dave: Hey, whose girlfriend did you steal from?
Bo: Looks like Jake
Dave: don't be too dandy now.
(no one knows exactly what he meant when he said dandy. But Dave knows his shit, so we all assumed what we thought it meant was the correct meaning)

I should also mention that Meg and Jake broke up last year, so i'm not really stealing her. Poor Jake though! He's stupid in his own way (-sigh-. He wants to be a plumber. Stuck at his age group. At least he's not *too* immature)

Meghanraye just wants to be friends with everyone, but we're going to start a WinCo scandal whereby we pretend to be in a relationship. She can't just be friends with me because there's too much external pressure forcing her to be with me. This might just bloom (especially considering that I spend lots of time with her walking on the beach and stuff), with a full fledged relationship coming in...

I think it might be appropriate to mention right now that the person that I talked to out of the blue about astronomy (and didn't know what to say) is a really crappy pick of a person. She's openminded, in a partygoing/I hate science (what's with me and finding these people? So closed minded. Meg doesn't care that much about science, but she accepts it and will do it when it proves useful. That's what I was looking for)/I'm shallow! kind of way. She shaves her eyebrows (ew), gets tattoos and pierces lots of her body parts. She aspires to be a social worker.
She's the kind of woman my mother warned me about.

At the very least, I've noticed that a few more really hot WinCo employees and others at school (I don't even know these people! But that'll soon change) have been flirting (!) with me lately. However, I'm choosing Meg for now. More women later? Who knows.

Women aren't the only aspect of me that's getting turbocharged, almost every aspect of me is in for an overhaul (as most of you already know). I'm on the upstroke of life at this particular moment, and, with no end in sight, I'm hoping I don't top out as sudden and soon as i did last time.

Good night.

I Love You
Always Forever
Near and Far
Always Together
I Will be With You
I do For You

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