Wednesday, December 3


The title, what could it mean? I just made it up off the top of my head. Pretty ASCII art? Crap junk? (Junk is cool!) What does it inspire within YOU??

Finals week is heating up, and I find myself cranking up production -- at least in the thought department. This month is MY month, the month where I get things rolling, At least historically anyway. So many things to learn, and I want twelve of everything and a side order of good ol' fashioned happy farms meat. Seriously, though, I have been getting my future plans ramped up, focusing on my objectives, and keeping to my deadlines. (of course there's free time fun time in there as well! Don't think it's all work (though I am busting ass)).
I finally figured out that I should move back to Utah to get my higher education underway. I have lots of family in Utah, so housing won't be much of an issue, but I will need to find a job there. So, in the meantime, I am going to try to take on two (!) jobs and very little school (to get my GPA all spiffy for the move) to acquire the capital to move over there. (of course, I'll have to wait a year so I can be classified as a Utah resident :'( . But we'll see if we can bullshit the state like I bullshitted California into believing i am a resident)

You THeRe! YeS! You! WouLD You LiKe To See MuSiCiaNS FRoM FRaNK ZaPPa! Joe SaTRiaNi! aND MoRe (like, Desert Prince(!) n' shit) JaM ToGeTHeR WiTH LeGeNDaRy LoCaL aND CR GuiTaR TeaCHeR RuBeN DiaZ! ? CoMe To CR oN DeC. 12! RuBeN DiaZ! NeeDS YouR MoNeY! i HuRT YouR eyeS! HaHaHaHa!!! (!) PLeaSe DoNaTe To My FoRMeR MuSiC TeaCHeR! He HaD To RePLaCe HiS HeaTer! (4000$) Ow#@&^#&^!!! (!)

But because I'm going to move soon, I'm collaborating with people of many talents in an effort to cram as much information into my head as possible. I'm working on forging the blacksmith way, and soon i'll have knives to cut my fingers with! Oh, and to cut anyway. I'll also be learning pottery, as will I learn to mdeitate and exercise at 6:30 in the morning. What can of mdeitation will I learn? we shall see when i work with mullet man PM. hopefully I don't confuse mdeitate with sleep, eh?
I also intend to learn some untaught course lesson work. Will I turn into a human dictionary? One of kanji? (I hereby rename Kanji as Konjo!) I will speak to mormon japanese people like any pure vial would. They will take me to their restaurants, into the back, and teach me the way of sushi making, and then I will make American sushi & sashimi! I will charge people what japanese people charge for it in japan (should be the same price as the price for it in America -- expensive) and then i will rotisserie it and chop it and mormon it and....
When I was 11 I babtized for the dead. We went into the temple and picked out names of dead people we wanted to represent (though we didn't have a choice in the matter, anyway), we got our pre-1901-style bathing suits on and walked into a large carved marble room of pure beauty, with a large grail the size of a bathtub in the center surrounded by 12 ox and...

Soon, just to WASTE MY TIME! I will be making a PICTURE OF ME AND ALL THE PEOPLE I KNOW AND MY RELATIONS TO THEM. Just like Software wars.
it good.
Soon, when after I apologize to Ryan Hill (which is even sooner) I will form a fellowship. A fellowship of the thing!

Okay. My mind has gone completely abstract (so abstract that maybe I should lock myself up in a log cabin in the woods and write poems for 3 weeks. They'll be so deep and so philosophically technical that not even I will understand them when i finally leave the log cabin of my mind. )

I just miss my old linux distro! And XMMS! and Wine! and Dune! I need to get my head into more o' that sci-fi.

Ugh... the coffee... bYE!

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