Saturday, October 11

Zen Buddhist Drinking Game (Use Tea!)

Well, life has been very turbulent for quite some time but i must say that clear skies are in the forecast. Now if I could only find a job...
Seriously, i should've had a job by now, but i've made the mistake of not pestering companies daily, which makes all the difference to companies who want to know who really wants that god damn piece of shit job.

And now i feel poised to strike them.

I'm tired of being poor. I'm tired of spending days that i don't look for work constantly thinking that i should search as the day progresses (makes you not want to completely play because you feel as though you're going to go look for work in about 1/2 an hour, every half hour of the day). And, finally I feel like i have the strength and willpower to make businesses look at me and hire. Today, I felt as though I was having the day all to myself. And it was good.
Now, I should say that I would not be feeling this way were it not for the all out 1 on 1 WORLD WAR 3 (tm) that went on between me and my sister, as she made me hit a really LOW point of emotion (I'll admit, she struck chords in me that only family/Kittens/chitsupo's can strike, making me cry. I have cried only twice these past 3 months, and before that haven't cried since I was 12, not even able to if i wanted) and during it all, my dad told me to take the day off. I felt like I really needed to go visit these business people because i haven't visited them in quite a while, but, in addition to my dad telling me to take it off, I felt as though I was in no state to talk to these people (I looked like hell physically and so talking to them would've been a bad thing).

I felt like I needed a hug. Jamie, you complete me.

I spent time just talking and connecting to someone that I love dearly (Jamie) and slowly recovered. But I felt no pressure to make today productive. Strangely, looking back on today i feel like it was my day, something that i had needed quite badly to rally my spirit into getting work done (although i did not feel this way as the day progressed). And the day just kept getting better and better. I was really pampered, and extreme happiness reigned throughout the land of DurDur (you should see this place. It's full of rabbits, pools of Martinelli's and everything2!). It turned today into one bittersweet fragment of my life, and I feel ready to tackle the next little while of my life for now.

Oh, we have a karaoke System now, and I'm hoping that maybe one of these days I can get Max_Crucible, Lynn Archer, and Firebird to play and sing! Then, when they aren't noticing, I will have live streams on Winamp as well as MP3s for all to enjoy. In addition, a select few of us are hoping that the special pressure waves in Firebird's voice (being in that perfect wavelength), combined with such high amplification of the volume of his voice will react with his own body transforming him into LordFireBird(true form) in a flash of light, glitter and disco balls! Then, he can fight evil doers just as Max_Crucible does.

Just to aggravate a certain aforementioned chemistry instrument, I want to tell you all about two more people that I love. Arnold you are such an inspiration to me in some ways. You are proof to me that following your dreams is possible. You, combined with Bill Phillips helped me to learn how to create self confidence when I never knew how to, and take control of my life. And although I forgot how to when I was busy focusing on other points in my life, I have remembered (especially when the election came around). I love you!
Cat Stevens, You have shaped my childhood, shaping me into being a mellow level-headed person with your music. Your music has been an inspiration to me, especially when I had no friends, and many enemies, and was enduring the hardest time of my life. I wish I would have had the chance to hear you sing your old songs, though one day I would like to stop by and hear your Islamic songs (he converted to Islam after a life and death experience he experienced and will only sing songs praising Allah). I have looked up to you, and I love you.


Since this is my blog, I make the rules. I hope you never get sick of hearing me tell you this (I sometimes feel like i'm being excessive at conveying this) But, if you ever even doubted it since the last time I told you, I love you Jamie

The End of Zen

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