Saturday, February 21

It's Like Riding A Horse

Hmm. Where's my head at? In the clouds? Oh well.

Wednesday turned out to be a superbly awesome day. I just felt... awesome.
On Wednesday, I found out, first hand, that Aaron (3rd-in-command at the store) has his sights set on me working on freight crew. However, I am not interested in working freight. It's a hard job with deep commitments i'm not willing to make. But he tries...
Heh, I feel like i'm some woman who's being courted by some guy when Aaron talks to me.
When Aaron was trying to hard sell me, he sort of offended me when he told me kempo was a waste of time. The hell it is! Ultimately, Aaron has an alterior motive (which everyone knows by now), which is called "Get to the top of the WinCo ladder." I know he's trying to use me to get himself up the ladder, and he's offering the reward of progressing up with him if I accept.
But Aaron is not the first person to try to get me to team up as a sidekick. Jeremiah worked on it, as did Lincoln. In the ultimate end, I had to reject them before someone got burned(Ah, but the time we spent together was awesome. during these two different eras of Darrel, there was a cat-and-mouse game of mindfuckery going. It was thrilling, but it was just a tell-tale sign that the friendship wasn't going to work. I can't be trying to subvert/be subverted by the people I spend tremendous amount of time with. I always broke it off before something truly bad happened, though they never really understood why. It was kind of a shroud of mystery, and personally, I think it should stay that way). Aaron is not my friend, however. He's my indirect boss. This poses problems since he's on the offensive, but we'll see.
Back to kempo offensive though! When Bo found out about what Aaron said, he got angry. Bo was taught under a sensei for 10 years, and recognizes that martial arts is not just about fighting. There's all kinds of other aspects as well (Learning, spirituality (I suppose), and friendship, Just to name a few, are presented within). Trevor (the manager of bulk foods and my comrade in kempo) and Sarah (bulk foods employee and kempo student as well) don't know what Aaron said, and hopefully they never do.
So, A rift begins. Can I resist the freight side and stick to kempo? Stay tuned!

*UPDATE* I had to go to work, but i'm back after 8 hours of good, honest labour! I will begin a new post now

You used to be my Romeo


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