Wednesday, May 12

Needs Counseling...

Ok. So I talked to the counselor, and I'm well on my way to going to the Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT)to go for a 4 year radiology program. The first year I have most of the classes done, the 2nd would be full of medical stuff, the 3rd a completion of medical stuff, and the fourth an externship, whereby I get flung to some part of the U.S. to one (1!) lucky hospital to complete my schooling (hands on stuff). Exciting!

It looks like I'll probably be traveling quite a bit more in my life (even after the completion of my externship, in which I find a suitable workplace to settle down at). Exciting, yes.

I'll miss all the people here!

But my destiny calls out my name.

Oh, and for those of you wondering why I'm still not blogging regularly,

the stupid phone company has not reinstated my DSL connection. This is getting annoying!

Also, today *should* be my last day at the LRC for this semester! So, I will work on getting my internet back up at home as soon as I can!

Time for my final in accounting! Yehaw!

Muga: You like it good!

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