Monday, June 14

Funky Sunshine

Ok. So I was supposed to go (finally) visit the South Jetty with Meghannraye yesterday, right?

Well, it didn't happen (though I'm willing to bet none of you even knew we were going to the beach. I don't throw in my "other" activities to you unless... I want to build suspense ( ! ) )

Instead, I was awakened early by my father. He decided to take me to Manila for the drag races. Being tired, I completely forgot all of my arrangements for the day and slept in the car until we got there...

Those drag races were... awe inspiring (?)... invigorating (?)... masculine (!)

All kinds of odd-shaped cars participated. It was kind of fun just to sit back and watch people burn their tires up (so they stuck to the pavement when they accelerated real quick). It seemed almost as if the fellow competitors were trying to be cocky to put down others, though that was completely not the case (practically all the contestants that I talked to were very kind and just... beaming with happiness. I got the notion that they were having that feeling that I get whenever I'm doing something I love to do... I'm just happy and friendly). Primarily, the contestants were bracket racing so they weren't racing the other car so much as they were racing themselves

Anyway, my dad's buddy from work participated with this really nice, suped up Camaro that kept having a coil wire loosen up (duct tape fixed that!). he had it tuned so that it would not go under 10 seconds since he didn't want to get a special driver's license and inspection every 3 years. According to the guy, there's so many variables to consider and calibrate when you're drag racing that, well, it's just a thrill to drag race!

Anyway, after a few hours of spectating, my dad got a call on his dope cell phone from my brother, who needed to get his drum set to the gay pride parade so he could give one of the bands the ability to play


My brother originally agreed to be the sound man for the parade (which is actually large, seeing as how this is a rather liberal county), since any community activities he works on increases his popularity (and resume of events he's done). In any case, whoever was supposed to bring the drum set did not, and so my brother decided to be the backup, "donating" his *NICE* set of drums to the parade. He dispatched me and my father to pick the set up and bring it to the plaza in Arcata, which we did. When we got there...

The place was packed. Everybody was watching the podium, and I had to be the one setting up the drums. By being there, I learned that
1) I'm definitely not gay. I was so uncomfortable there... with all the flaming gays, "got lube?" trash bins, and angry looking women (who were probably not angry but just had short hair) that I felt like I shouldn't have been there at all
2) I'm definitely gay bait. So many people were watching me and trying to strike up conversations out of the blue... I've never had so many people (what's more, some in BDSM gear) try to talk to me in such a short period of time!

Anyway, I was fixing up the drums, thinking only of Dr. Syd from KSLG, who was up on the stage talking to people. Now, here's something I gotta confess, somehow, some way, Dr. Syd has become my DJ hero. I don't know why! But he is. I'd like to get on the radio with him sometime, just for kicks... but for now, I practice on Pirate Radio (which has dissolved temporary in order to relocate).
"Dr. Syd isn't gay, so let's pretend that that justifies my being here," I thought.

Now, before I continue, I have to admit that it sounds really stupid to think that being at the parade makes me gay. But, I can't help but think that! Just the sheer uncomfortableness of it all made me keep wondering that... sort of. So, the compulsion reigned supreme, and my cerebrum was utterly defeated in the wastelands of nothingness (...or something)

Anyway, as my story goes, I finished fixing up the drums and got away from the stage as quickly as possible... hopefully not drawing attention to myself. But, as I was walking down the block, who else would I bump into but


Apparently, Ben had pressured him into taking things down when the event was over. He was very uncomfortable as well. We both declared our heterosexuality, and bolted for Porter Street Barbecue, past the "rave" area, but not before we were asked questions by people.

But, as we got to Porter Street, we found out that it was CLOSED. Dismayed, we decided to SWATH back, through the plaza again, and go to Smug's Pizza.

And it was good.

We finished lunch and went back to the plaza to talk to Ben (plan a time to take things down so we didn't have to be there until the event was over), people continued to stare at us. I was looking down and smiling while Paul was talking when I saw, out the corner of my eye


(for those of you that don't know C++, || means operand OR)

Ok, so calling them things isn't nice. I'm ripping this off of a song, alright? Earlier during my time at the plaza, I had spotted two (TWO!) men, with nicely trimmed beards and moustaches, covered in white makeup, with artificial but undeniably pretty colored eyelashes that stuck out at least 4 inches, and dressed in drag, with pink tutu's (Psst. They're on the front page of today's paper!) waiting around one of the vendors.

Whenever I see people in drag, I burst into laughter. To me, it's one of the most funniest things to see. It just doesn't look right at all! I just think of funny things (maybe I was scarred by a clown?)

But when I saw that pink tutu out the corner of my eye while Paul talked to Ben, I gasped really loudly, dropped my jaw, and looked up with wide eyes. I didn't mean to do that, but I was surprised and scared by the two gay transvesites that had approached us. Funny had been overridden by the reflex that was the fear of being considered gay, and there was nothing I could do to stop it, save for give out fake smiles and politely kill the conversation.

"Hey! You and your partner there are going to need these!" and then he handed me a whole bunch of condoms. I said, "Uh, thank you" and gave a fake ol' smile that reached beyond the sky. The eyelashes of that guy were ENORMOUS! Good god! and the jester-ey hat!

Will I ever laugh at transvestites again?

Well, the other guy decided that we didn't have enough condoms and gave us a whole bunch more, trying to prod for more conversation. We were very polite, trying to talk to Ben (my brother the sound guy! with his *official* staff placard) and I think he got the message to leave.

After being hit on by so many people, one more person made his appearance. This guy that I talked to quite a bit from my piano class approached, but did not really make eye contact. (I forget his name, so I shall call him John) John, would, however, glance briefly in my direction, and I felt like I had no choice but to greet him with a smile and wave. He came over, and I found out that he had a partner, whom he introduced me to.
It was odd, since I didn't see John being gay at all. But, it made sense. He said he came up here from San Francisco to help his aging mother, and with his age (he has grey hair and he's a tad bit overweight) I thought of him as a scholarly bookworm person. He's a really nice guy, and comes off a bit conservative in a way, so I was schocked.

In any case, make no mistake. I wholeheartedly support gay/lesbian/*sexual rights. These are just people, people that love someone who happens to be the same gender. BUT! I'm not gay.

In conclusion, If someone wants to do something, and it isn't hurting you, DON'T BE A FUCKING DICK

We ran off to my house, only to return when the event was over.

I got free bread from Brio while I was taking things down, as well as I got to talk to Dr. Syd! YEAH!

Did I mention he's my hero? Yes? Ok. Good. Very nice guy in person.

Anyway, I really have to go to bed right now, and I haven't even talked about today! SOOO MUCH more has happened today than yesterday, and so I'll have to blog it But...

I have to fill out the papers/do physical for my new job, then immediately go do my temporary job ($10/hr! yay!) of fixing up houses, and then go do Dungeons and Dragons with Paul (which we did on Sunday (yesterday) after we finished helping Ben move all the stuff off the plaza. It was very good. MAYBE I'll post something about my D&D adventures. MAYBE I'll post something about Sunday's adventures. MAYBE the atom bomb will fall first)

So, I don't think I'll be able to blog about today for a while.

I'm amazed at how well I keep myself busy, even after quitting my job of 40 hours AND having no school

anyway, I should quit blogging when I'm tired...

I consider myself blessed whenever I have more to do than I have time for... Especially considering the alternative of not having anything to do!

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