Thursday, June 24


Well, I said I was going to post more, but I never got around to it! Just too many things happening, such as:

The great car insurance battle: I got a letter stating that my insurance would be cancelled come the morning (this morning!) and so I had to yell at people with that angry large eyed pissed-off face, screaming, "WHY DID YOU SHUT OFF MY $*&# INSURANCE! YOU BASTARDS! MAY YOU ROT IN HELL!"

of course, I realize that the receptionists I talk to are people, too, and weren't necessarily responsible for the car insurance plug pulling. So, with a smile, I happily explained my dilemma to the, umm, large lady behind the desk. She called my insurance company, found that what I had said was true, and talked to a representative.

Ya know, it's really awesome to watch a fat lady scream at people over the phone to get things done. Especially when they're done for you. I got a good kick out of it.

Moral of the story: be nice to the receptionist. Especially when she's a fat lady. You don't want her yelling at you.

then, there was last night. Paul, Ben (my brother), and I decided to play with isopropyl alcohol, and it was fun. Especially the hand ignition tricks. A lot of hair singe-ing took place (Paul's arm looked barren), but good fun was had. But that wasn't it. Being pyros, the stuff must ignite on the ground in an uncontrolled state of FURY! (the aforementioned site is one of my favorites. I'm a secret punk fan, though my demeanor's too nice to ever get close to that... heh, it's not apparent at all that I like punks, less you catch me on that site! But anyway...). Then, we decided that crisco *MUST* be mixed in the bizarro cooking area, along with plants. Unfortunantly, we were out of sugar (for that sickeningly nasty smell), and flour (for that explosive effect. (yes, flour explodes. we used to make flame throwers using large syringes full of flour close to a flame. Did you know that flour mills would sometimes explode back in the medieval days?)) Yum Yum Crisco!
Then, I was lead off to YAP (yet another Party) because Mo (who has never been mentioned on this site before) is running off to New Zealand. Heh, maybe she'll meet Greg Arditto from Weta Digital (the people who made lord of the rings, and a buddy of mine)? It is a small island, and they both have lots of family in the same city that they both live in...
THAT would be interesting. Maybe I should give both of them the information...?

Moral of the story: If you are planning to wake up early for something like, say, breakfast club, DON'T GO TO A PARTY!

Need I cite a reason why? ? ?

Actually, that moral is CRAP! KRRRAAAAPPPP!!!!

the true moral is: why bother buying wax to take off those nasty hairs? just buy isopropyl alcohol and a lighter, spread the isopropyl over your legs, and light em up, running everywhere! It's less painful (if done correctly, no you shouldn't spread it over your legs like that silly! or you'll get burns like the ones I got from running up strawberry hill, with all the plants leaving whip gashes (poison oak?), but WORSE)
I don't think I'd ever use isopropyl alcohol to get rid of hair, but if you dabbed small areas with it... it'd probably be cheaper and less painful.

Good moral? Glad you agree. (YOU HAVE NO CHOICE! I HEAR ONLY YESes)

I got my teeth checked for the first time in 4 years (I only delayed the dentist visit because I hadn't gone in a long time. I kept putting it off, not thinking of it as that important. But, mark my words, I will visit every 6 months! To me, it'll be like getting an oil change. You know when you should get it done) My teeth looked all nice, and the lady complimented the straightness of them (she asked if I had had braces before, and I said I hadn't. She said I was a very lucky individual, especially because I've had 2 wisdom teeth come in, and they've fit in just fine)
the 4 pits from previous dentist visits are rotting away (all the other teeth are fine). I need to get them refilled! Now, I get to play the insurance game with my former workplaces' insurance company. Fun...

Insurance is a very important thing to have and use:LESSON LEARNED.

Anyway, I had my first day of work yesterday (as well as today) and it was GREAT!!! heh, these people complain about how busy it gets... yesterday, we were "slammed" with 8 patients in the ER (I run the ER booth) and 8 patients waiting in the waiting room. I was told that this was a horrible, bad, no good day, and that we had a lot of work to do. When we were done with the work, I asked, "That's it?" I was surprised that we had gotten done with all the patient reports and stuff and had time to lounge around. I work about 1/4th as hard as I did at WinCo...


What's more, I get UNLIMITED tea and coffee. My head is swimming in a fishbowl of pain right now from such a large dosage (after having no caffeine in over a month) so I feel like sleeping to take that edge off... but I'm active!

bottom line is: Treat the doctors and nurses right and they'll never complain. Be mean to them and they'll get you fired. Or something.

Anyway, I wished I had posted all the things I wanted to post earlier, since I've forgotten most of the stuff! (well, actually, I haven't really forgotten anything. It's just that it has been stored in the back of my mind)

My head hurts, too, and so what few notes I wrote up to talk about I will save for another day (at least when my head paing goes down, tomorrow maybe?)

Now I just gotta get my studying and exercise time set in stone and I'll be set...

There's that Brian Eno tune again. Damn... change it! Wha? Music to watch space girls by??? slow tunes slow the mind

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