Saturday, October 28

Scribbles of the Random Sort

Why is it that I must procrastinate every time? Why is it that I make it every time?

It's amazing what the mind can do under pressure.

Right now, I'm supposed to be writing a prospectus. Supposed to photocopy and highlight my sources. Suppose to show how well I've mastered the topic of tulip speculations.

Oh, and read my class material, too.

I just don't want to do it. Whatever strength I had these last two semesters has left me. Summer has reduced me to a kernel of my former self. Guess it's time to pick myself up and get back to where I was. Building that momentum is hard, though.

If only I could find the motivation to really want the degree from this place. I think i'd get my focus.

I'm such a lazy bitch sometimes.

[15:33] (jeremiah): oh the dumb people... it hurts the brain darrel. dealing with people who have so much power and so little intelligence... it hurts every day ...

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