Friday, October 20

Silly Slashdot

Something be an retarded that I posted on slashdot


I foresee a new videogame -=- a videogame that puts an end to sweatshops!

All we need is to create some software to interface with some robots. Then, we need to take that software and turn it into a game. In this game, we'll make a person's avatar be connected to a robot!

Think of it like this: take a robot that hoes the ground. Interface it with, say, a game much like diablo. Now, every time the user clicks the mouse, the robot hoes! And every time the user moves the character, the robot moves as well! We'll award points for doing a job right. We may even give treasure in the game for doing a task so many times.

The user will see a barbarian/wizard/paladin/whatever in the game. They'll never suspect: robots.

The biggest advantage is that people will be so hooked from the eye-candy and life-like sound that they won't mind hoeing the ground in exchange for a monthly fee.

Tom Sawyer indeed.


I'm noticing that I am posting my work from other places on here. I just don't have the time to write independently, lately.

At least this is something to chew on!

1 comment:

Darrel said...

Oh, and don't forget. They'll never suspect: robots.