Monday, March 15

Blog Me Beautiful

*As news spread of the end of the flame war, Darrel exits his bunker. A platoon of supporters march over the horizon with varying materials. Darrel stops one of the members as they pass him.*

Darrel: *Ahem* Is it over yet? Yes? Good.

*Darrel walks over to a podium, barely placed by supporters, with a backdrop of a singed forest. A camera is placed squarely with the podium.*

Man, I am so surprised at all the comments that were flung 2 weeks ago! I never thought things were going to come down to name calling (didn't know I was hated that much...), but it was rather interesting to stay out of it all and see what people had to say. So many fallacies... so much hate! WH0000! Makes my head spin.

Just for the recording of my blog (since there may be some tender-skinned viewers reading this at this point in time), a friend of mine was looking through my blog and found links to former friends. He clicked on the links and proceeded to correspond to what they had to say (without mentioning anything to me). They mistook him for me, and fired volleys of flame at him. He was quite polite, but they were psychotic. He stopped corresponding when he was tired of being attacked (as well as at the urgings of others), and they all lived happily ever after. The End. (that's all I want to say about this)

On to things more important.

Tim, a friend of mine from Idaho, has moved into my house. After my sister left for Utah, life at the house was harmonious. Things are getting stirred up again. Fortunately, Tim is not a hassle to work with, and so things should not go so bad. Unlike the last living arrangement with my sister, Tim will be living in my room (with all my electronics and stuff), and so my room is PACKED! But it looks like a bachelor arrangement -- decent enough to pass my high quality standards test. (though a packed room can look really messy really quick)

Ray is leaving carts to work as freight. I am working on getting Tim to be the replacement.

Umm... I hurt my knee the other day. The impacted region is deep within. I try to stay off of it, but when that cart hawk breaks down (like it did yesterday)... I have to pull with the rope. Bah.

Paul's birthday was last Friday. I didn't have much time to celebrate, but I was able to take him to Los Bagels, which is having a bagel sale for their 20th anniversary. In fact, we were served by the owner of Los Bagels! The owner seemed like a salesman to me, acting all weasel-ey, seeming to be nice only because we had green pieces of paper. But, in the end, we got a good deal there. Originally, we got 20% off of my slug/pesto cream cheese bagel (ooh, I can be suckered into anything with a garlic/pesto cream cheese bagel), but Paul piped in to the owner that it was his birthday, so we got an additional 50% discount! On top of that, Paul got to spin the wheel of bagels, which is a spinning board that people who spend a lot of dough in the shop can spin to win a prize! Paul won a recipe book from this.

Tonight, me, Katie Von Kelso, and Paul are going to exercise the power of the recipe book! We cook tonight. All are welcome!

While I was away from blogging (AFB), I got several projects lined up (and some taken off the roster). The aforementioned cooking is tonight. The midnight matineeis still alive and kicking, but has been junctioned off from sensei's old movie marathon.
Spring Break (next week): It looks like Don in Carts is going to usurp the vacation! He's going to take vacation days off during the break and so there's more hours to fill. However, this will not stop me from vacation fun. I am going, on the 27th, down to the bay area to a movie director's open house with Erin and sensei (Richard). Should be fun
In May, I'm going to the NanoCon (nanotechnology convention) with Chris. It costs 300$ but I think it will be worth it. Should be fun! It's down In Palo Alto.
Also, this summer, I'm projecting to go back to Utah for 4 days, doing the Darrel Expo thing. There will be much nerditude going on (lots of downloading of software, debates on computer-related stuff, etc) with a whole bunch of my friends, as well as revisiting of family (and my extended family, the people I call my "brothers", though they aren't related to me). But, the primary plan for Utah and me is to go to a motivation workshop that my grandfather highly recommends (he has a lot of credibility built up from the past, so if he says something is really good, it almost certainly is). My grandfather has stated that, if he had taken it when he was 20, his life would have been so much more different. I love my grandparents and have vested complete trust in them (something I haven't really done for anyone else). They've been there, done that. They can point me in the right direction, and never try to hurt. They're great people.

Well, I have to get back to doing lots of homework. But I will leave these various scrambled thoughts which I wrote on my hand while driving ( The style of writing makes my hand looks like an 80's Punk hand):

Utah Schools different from California schools (I would like to argue this sometime. Utah schools are just more fun. Even though Utah ranks as the second worst funder of schools out of the 50, their curriculum is so terrific...)
It's A Sin (80's song. Meyer in the morning has an "80's hour" which happens at 9:00-10:00. This is when I drive to work/school. I am an 80's fan)
Pilot The Corporate Machine (Corporations are like cars or other machines. Take command! It might be fun and exciting)
WinCo is like elementary school/cafeteria (you want to leave, even on your lunch break, but can't. It's not a bad place to be at, but you don't want to be there at that moment. So, you figure out a way to make the place you're stuck in even more enjoyable. Ration it)
Nothing Compares to You (Shania O' Conner song. I Don't really care about Shania O' Conner the person but this song is great!)

So many choices on what to be in my life. Should I follow radiology (NO!)? Nanotech (doubtful)? Japanese (maybe)? Film (possible)? Computer programming with my grandpa(doubtful)? Stocks with my grandpa (maybe/doubtful)?


Freedom's just another word for Nothing left to lose


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