Wednesday, March 3

Of life and Politics

He scrawls on his bathroom wall. His blogging bathroom wall. He's metrosexual, and he doesn't like clunky. He's the Metrosexualist (Also known as Erin).
Erin started a blog. Like me, he is pseudo-addicted to blogging. He'd much rather blog than do homework (I hate you, blogger!). I should be writing the oral introduction to my TERM PAPER right now, but i'm not. Such is the way of things.

Am I turning into a writer? I hated English, but now my major is Japanese! I never thought it would really happen, but now I'm dedicated to this. I spend plenty of time, even at work, writing and I feel that I can follow through with japanese (which is what i've been doing for the past 2 weeks), so I will write words and study japanese.

What a garbunkular paragraph I just wrote. Should be revised, but screw that!

Well, it looks like Gallegos (-sigh- *MY HERO!*) won the recall! Take that Gloria Albin Sheets! Haha Schectman! Worth Dikeman, you're fucked!

I voted for Schectman for the D.A., provided that Gallegos fell (which I hoped wouldn't happen), cuz he's a tiger! If Gallegos lost, Schectman would've continued the assault on PL. In my opinion, I think Schectman would be a more badass attorney than Gallegos, but I'm much more glad Gallegos won (It's his office. He's doing a fantastic job. Leave him alone!)

I'd like to give a very special award to the new jobseeker: Worth Dikeman. Dikeman fucked himself when he started to attack the D.A. How can you trust a backstabber? He's gonna lose his job... soon...

I'd like to reaffirm what i've said all along: Gloria Albin Sheets is a skanky bitch. She had no chance. It looks to me like she ran for the office to defeat Gallegos, the person who fired her, in order to have a stab at attacking Gallegos. If nothing else, she got to say whatever hurtful things she wanted to say. Bastard.

But the big loser, of course, is PL. They just spent a quarter of a MILLION dollars and now they are going to earn a loss in court over their illegal cutting of trees, as well as they have earned a suit over their illegal moving of election money, as well as they have earned the vengeance of a DA who hates them in the worst despicable way. What a deal!

So many people got egg on their face this election! I love it!

Speaking of candidates, hopefully John Kerry wins. I bet he will, since so many democrats are willing to compromise some of their democratic views just to get someone to defeat the Bush. I have heard little sympathy towards G. (who does not get enough respect to have his name completely posted (either that or i'm afraid i'll be labeled a terrorist or something)) as well as I have little feeling towards G.

Arnold, my superhero Buff Hero man, is doing well! I love his use of words, like "Armageddon cuts", that illustrate the consequences of certain house member's actions. I hear he's also teaming with Gray Davis, who, I think, is a fabulous person to team up with (though I don't think he's a good decision maker). Arnold has a certain aura of representing the people, and I think he's doing an excellent job.

Speaking of elections, I think the object of selecting someone has boiled down to a ratio between the chance a candidate has for winning and the corruption of said candidate. I can only say that Arnold has NO corruption! He hides nothing! He represents the people!
Example: I'm sorry to say but i'm all for his talk that the whole same-sex marriage in San Francisco must be stopped. It IS illegal. If the people want to legalize it, then an amendment should be made in California legalizing it BEFORE we go about wedding people (not that I think marriage is an important thing. In a way, it's kind of stupid, methinks. Useful to me only to symbolize commitment to someone. But that's another story). I should also say that Arnold is all about representing the people's views. He has said, and stands by what he said, that he is in support of same-sex marriage if that's what the people really want (even when fellow republicans frowned at him for what he said). He just doesn't want people breaking the law.

I should also mention that the "American Way" is a lot like English. The rules are broken repeatedly until someone amends them so that the rules are not broken. So, while i'm in support of having an California amendment first and marriage later, logically, what's going on right now is the way that the rules change.

I just wished that this whole gay-marriage civil rights thing had happened a little bit later, when Bush wasn't in office. Hopefully he doesn't create a constitutional amendment (which, since the guy is practically invincible until we can get him out, is quite possible)

In other news:

I'm almost done moving all my stuff that was in the living room into my room! I have the ultimate bachelor pad! Booyahh!!!

Oh, I'm quitting kempo. For time, financial, and social reasons I cannot continue. At least Planet Health is located in the morning (out of the way, time wise), costs nothing (compared to 40$/month), is close by, doesn't jostle my schedule (much), and doesn't anger my boss.

Yep, that's right. PLANET HEALTH IS NOT DEAD! It's alive and kicking.


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