Wednesday, April 28

I Might Be Moving To Montana Soon

Ok. I'm NOT really moving to montana. But I am moving to a nice farmhouse-ey place soon. It feels like a real home, much like my Aunt Barbara's old house... but I should save that for a different time.
Anyway, my computer is all packed up, so this will be the last time I blog for the next week (don't expect anything new you's people! Um, why don't you all have a nice little discussion in one of the comment postings while I'm away?)

Erin, the address is 1941 Sutter Rd. I won't be there till Saturday, but... yeah.

Some lady and her 7 kids (AND an unknown amount of pot-growers) used to live at the house. (why is it that I live in houses that were previously occupied by drug dealers and crazies? Of course, these are only the opinions of all the landlord's i've lived under) It's been raided many times. The landlord has alzheimers, so he was taken advantage of pretty badly... Until now.
Some people have been helping him take care of his land. They're good, honest people, and were able to evict the lady+kids+unknown amount of people.

There's a nice garage there, and lots of room. I can get my forge on! And maybe have a small LAN party soon...

Anyway, I have lots of other small chit-chat pieces, but I have GOT to get done with reading my school material. School's almost over, so my time is constrained pretty badly.

When I come back, I'd like to have a word with you on:
the word phantom
the idea about personal facial expressions being one of the hardest things to manipulate correctly
the idea that not talking to people can yield the worst sort of hatred
um, the meaning of life, the universe, and everything in it (42! Whoops, that was meant for next posting)

Most of these I was thinking about in the parking lot (urban desert) that I work in, and I merely want to remember to write about them later after putting a little bit of thought into them.

Gots to go!

LOOK EOUT!-Arnold Schwarzenegger, whenever something bad is going to happen in one of his movies. I scream this at work, in Ahnold fashion, when cars are pulling out and they don't see me

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