Sunday, April 25

Week begins anew: Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Oog. I just had a meal fit for a king for only 3 bucks, and I think I over-ate. I probably won't be hungry till late tomorrow, as usual...

My arm has a nice ol' bruise across it. Still, the glasses and flip-flops were well worth it. It was a BEAUTIFUL clear day today, and the sunglasses kept me from squinting, while the flip-flops allowed me to gloat to all who had to be inside of the building, by reminding them of what kind of weather is outside (I've turned into a real drama queen).
I've had a real narshty headache today teamed up with tiredness: I'm quitting caffeine!(again)!!
House of pain: my way.

For all of you who don't know (which should be about everybody) I'm moving my stuff out/cleaning on Tuesday and Wednesday. My deadline for moving is Saturday. I don't know how long I'll be offline, but it may be a while before I get my account settled with the phone company (I may have DSL location problems. We'll see) Hopefully it doesn't take too long.

Speaking of times on the computer, most people should know now that I don't blog until it's in the evening (california time). I have too much school/work/errands/fun to do during the day, and I like to post what happened at the end. The primary exceptions to this is on Mondays and Wednesdays...

And now, Back to your Primary Attraction!

Me and Richard are getting into the big guns of japanese lessonry: reading books with hundreds of kanji. This is going to be a pain! But I'm almost proficient enough with japanese to, say, watch an anime in japanese without much problem (of course I haven't seen an anime in a long time. I'll have to try it!)

School's almost over!

Class selection is coming up. I'll be first in line to sign up for all the classes that will get me into med school, yessir!

(I'm really tired (mentally mainly) from the caffeine withdrawals. Not too much meat to chew on tonight. Try again! (In fact I don't really want to write. But I blog! For you! Actually I can't make up my mind. I sort of want to blog... so tired.))

Remind me to talk about my brother and his guitar... (if i don't reread this blog... which i know i will!)


Kibo once sabotaged "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" by hijacking the trolley to Cuba.

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