Tuesday, July 27

And what is good, Phædrus,
And what is not good...
Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?

I'm tired and cranky. They will both pass when I wake, for I am always happy when I get a good night's rest.
I baked a cake, but I ran so hard that I fear I will throw up if I ate any of it.
I have been promised croissants, Lots and lots of croissants, in exchange for a little of my time with Nicole and her roommates.

What is your time worth?

At work, I spend hours just drawing, sometimes reading my japanese, improving myself. Soon, I will do all my homework at work (workwork?)

That's a good deal.

I've been reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance at the behest of another, who said I was a lot like the person. It's very good. I want to meet this individual...

I'll chock it up on my laundrylist of life (yes, I do, in fact, have one). for now... I can probably be satisfied with visiting a buddhist monastery (there's plenty around here...)

It's time for sleep. The death of today yields the birth of tomorrow, and, unfortunantly, today was just a bland, unmeaningful cycle in the continuum. Just the glue linking meaningful days together.Such a waste.

I really should resume my "One simple accomplishment" policy like I used to

I say these things, but I don't actually do anything about them. And I'm just getting more and more irritated...

All the while, I realize and feel my irritation, for it won't last forever; I won't feel this way all the time. I think I've talked about it before. I can't keep this irritation to cherish forever, just like I can't keep myself completely happy all the time.

What a wonderful thing to even be able to feel bad or good, or even just to feel.

Does being happy over good and bad make me an optimist? What a rant this is. Ha! Time for bed.

If I had to pick a religion it would be some sort of variant of Buddhism... though I'm guilty right now of not answering why; Just like the rest of this blog.

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