Friday, July 9

Quartz Extreme!

Ah, another day, another large hunk o' time spent at work reading books. We had a whole bunch of fun dealing with chronic (chronic revolution!) patients. Chest Pain... Chest Pain... 5150 ('had to be restrained' code)... chest pain... hard to breathe... bloody lip...

I got a lot of free time, though. This job truly is conducive for school, and I'm glad I got it.

So, I got home, and went for my run again. This time, when I wanted to quit running, I just kept going, hoping to shatter my running barrier and get the runners high that I used to get when I'd run all the time and would keep me running all day long.

I got it! Though I still hurt quite a bit. I have missed that high so much... sounding like a druggie here! Once I got over the hurdle and just kept going, I felt like a bulldozer with infinite gas -- I felt big, strong, and like I could just go forever!

Seriously, most people who haven't stuck with exercising long enough really ought to know about the endorphins part. I think it's what keeps people who regularly exercising from quitting.

Although I could've kept going, I stopped just before taco bell. I didn't want to deeply inhale all that garbage that I smell whenever I pass it, and so I slowed down and caught my breath a bit before plunging near the stink that is... Taco Bell.

There's a thing about all the taco bells in the Eureka/Arcata/Fortuna area. I've had a lot of complaints of back injuries from the employees of the company (who is 1 person) that owns and operates them. Kids younger and older than me have come to the hospital with terrible back pain -- in their uniforms -- and, on the worker's comp form, it's always the same company (which is somebody's name. Can't disclose it!)

Don't work for Taco Bell! I have seen bad, and it is there! (and some other businesses, as well. But Taco Bell moreso than others!)

Anyway, not too much has been happening as late. A lot of learning has gone on, without a doubt, but that comes at the expense of action! I have been talking to lots of people, yes, but is it interesting? Maybe not. Maybe I'll share a little teeny tiny bit...

I found Ken at SafeWay in McKinleyville (this area is small town, I swear! Wherever I go, there's always someone I've done stuff with, lurking), and we talked about Evan for a bit. We agreed on how Evan is falling is having serious attitude problems as of late, and we have been trying to figure out how to help him. The problem is money. He's so broke, because he bought that car. It's a billion times better than the bomb he used to have, but it's over his head in cost (like I've said a billion times). Evan has gotten so sensitive... I've tried not talking to him because I have wanted to spare myself any accidental chiding he may give me. But that's just compounding his problems. He needs support. Me and Ken know.

Ken hasn't really been talking to anyone. He just keeps going to work, going home, sleeping, getting up, doing the same thing over and over. His life isn't progressing much different than that. No new people, he doesn't talk to his friends, etc.

Ken's a great guy, to be sure, but rarely seen. Its been well over 6 weeks since I last saw him, and we were playing D&D (it was my first time. I don't play D&D that much, btw. Actually, I try to do just a little bit of everything (jack of all trades, master of none?)). Evan was the DM, and it was his first time. Ken was appalled at how we had everything pre-generated -- even the character names (except mine. Sland the thief! Ha!), and he didn't like using a module. Evan, being in a very vunerable point in his life, felt pretty crappy about that (especially since, because he hadn't seen Ken in a long time, whatever Ken says has a long lasting effect).

Me and Ken need to work and fix up Evan. Problem is that we don't want to get used (Evan does that sometimes. I think it's just his inherent nature) It always takes work, even in the face of punishment, to fix things...

I've noticed that if I quit working on people, the relationship between me and them starts to break down. I have to continually make maintenance checks, and talk to people, or it all falls down (to a point, of course). It's always work, work, work. I have so much to do... I think I may have said it before, but there's just too many people to deal with anymore. What's more, there's other people that I meet that have serious potential of being good people to deal with, but I just don't have time to even formulate those relationships. I feel, though, that maybe I should start those relationships up and leave the old ones hanging, since I can deal with them later, and these "new" people may run off somewhere, leaving me with a lost chance.

As stated before, whenever I stop dealing with people, they feel like I'm giving them the cold shoulder, and slink off into nothingness with regards to me...

Bah! I want to talk more about it! But I just realized that I have to go meet Meghannraye at 10 to eat my all-time favorite breakfast meal -- cornflaked french toast w/ copious amounts of ground up raspberry (of the real sort, not corn syrup), as well as I have a back-to-back event with the Japanese class eating at Hunan Village (their usual eating spot whenever they celebrate the end of a semester) at noon! Lots of food, lots of filling! Lots of money spent on events! (I think spending money on people and events is a good idea. You get so much more out of it. Money is just a key for unlocking experiences. You don't really need any to unlock it, but it helps. Create lasting memories. Isn't that all that matters?)

I should also mention that I just filled myself up with really good tacos that I made full of good vegetables, high quality olive oil, and awesome seasonings. I will be stuffed when I wake up, and stuffed when I go to work. AAAHHH!!!!

I do have some problems with D&D, by the way, that i'd like to address. It can be extremely fun, but, well, it has lots of problems and I must sleep now and I haven't played it in quite a long time now. Ok I must go to sleep now yes!

(pre-done quote time! (created before I filled in the body of the post))
Necropolis! Er, Metropolis!-me

You know what? That quote sucks.

But we're running out of time! C'mon! We're wasting so much right now!-Trevor, between every few sentences, after taking caffeine pills

That's MUCH MUCH better! (seal of approval! *Thumbs up!*)

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