Saturday, November 11

The Dance of the Lemons

Okay. School's starting to wrap up. I have a test this Monday. Much larger paper due next Monday. Finals the week after that.

I love it when the heat is cranked up.

Currently, I'm studying like mad. I think I figured out what I was doing wrong all this time. See, I haven't been getting my sleep. Every day, I go to bed at about midnight, and then wake up at 6 AM. It's drained me like mad, but because I've moved into a different area several times, changed workplaces (which is where I spend the majority of my time), and changed schools, I've had to jettison (sic) my habits for something new (note that I didn't have a choice).

I've forgotten when to go to bed. I've forgotten to plan my time. I've forgotten to put priorities in their place. And the difficulty of it all has driven me nuts.

I'm so glad that I'm getting myself back together. Next semester is going to be so much better! I can do this; I remember how, now! I guess I needed some time under harsh but not-too-harsh conditions.

Now, if I can only figure out how to learn material that my classes present in lecture (as if we already knew) but aren't in the books assigned to me, I'll be set.

Library close down now.

Bye byes!

Don't I feel retarded... ?

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